Happy New Year! I am already 16 days into 2019 and I am making changes and getting things done. I worked on my list of to-dos for the whole month of December. I set my intentions for the year and have been working to make some a habit already.
Reality check-in; I feel myself resisting some of the things I want to get rolling this year. First, I want to do a blog post once a week. I’m a week behind, brush off and start fresh. Second, it is my intention to make stretching and cardio a priority 3-4X per week, behind but brush it off! I am almost finished with my stairway project that has been on my list for months (OK, 6 months). VERY good, big thing that has been hanging over my head.
Here is a list of some of the other things I set intentions/goals for in 2019:
- Save $500/month and track
- Make $100/month on my blog
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
- Track my spending
- Digitize my old photos/kids’ papers (many steps to this)
- 3 alcohol free days/week
- Complete blog courses by February
- Get all my DIY projects on my blog
- Play with affiliate marketing
- Review (and write about) more items I use in my home, on my body, and take into my body
- Read at least 12 books this year (I am going to keep a list this year)
- Reduce my clutter until I don’t have any left
I don’t like procrastination and I do like accountability. I’m thinking for 2019 I should track my progress here on the blog. I could write a ton more stuff on all things I want to do, but in reality, I just need to start. Here goes for my first 2019 check-in!
Week 1 and 2: Four dry days, started stairway project, slept 7 hours 6 nights, cleared out some leggings, turtlenecks, jewelry, organized bedding, painted 3rd bedroom, got my investment accounts set-up, paid for some blogging courses, got electrical work done, paid off credit card, reorganized bathroom supplies, cleaned out the fridge, and created a last will/testament. I went to work everyday!