goals – Surrender To Serendipity https://surrendertoserendipity.com Serentipity happens everyday! See where mine takes me. Fri, 01 Feb 2019 21:44:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 135510159 January 2019 gone already https://surrendertoserendipity.com/2019/02/01/january-2019-gone-already/ Fri, 01 Feb 2019 21:44:18 +0000 https://surrendertoserendipity.com/?p=307 Continue Reading →]]> Warning: this is a dry post! lol

Where has the month gone? Swept away by the tide of time! So what have I accomplished in January?

*Slept almost 7 hours or more every night
*Didn’t drink 3 nights every week
*Finished my staircase project (woohoo!)
*Went to Spokane and found an antique chandelier for my dining room and rewired it
*Got a new housemate
*Saved $500 to go into savings (I have to get an account set up)
*I have access to all my retirement and savings account, everything now feeds into   Personal Capital
*Drank my ActivatedYou Morning Complete every morning
*Made a plan to reduce cow’s milk consumption (I am highly reactive to cow, buffalo,   and coconut milks)
*Walked 3x per week outside my walk to the train
*Stayed low carb for 90% of the month (I had a few downfall days)
*Kept up with #MindSetReset
*Tracked my spending
*Enjoyed being in a healthy, loving relationship with my guy

In all, January was a good month to get things rolling. I need to print out my goal sheet for February. How quickly I forget what I have on it!

A couple of projects I want to get finished in February:

*Complete sanding and painting on window and door trim downstairs
*Remove and install new baseboard trim in main bathroom
*Finish baseboards on main level
*Get bids for fixing my driveway retaining wall (or bite the bullet and prepare to do it   myself)
*Hang chandelier and outdoor motion light
++If I get those things done, maybe recover a club chair I tried to paint (epic fail)

A big project that will keep me busy for a couple weeks will be to organize and scan in all of my pictures. I have 3 tote bins full of albums and loose pictures. I want to get them all organized by year to start. So many pictures of the kids and their art work. A lot of things will be discarded (I have lots of duplicate pictures) and I may look differently at all of the art that has been accumulated through their school years. Anyway, I don’t want to think about it now! When the list above is completed, then I will move on.

January gone! Hello February!



2019 bright and new https://surrendertoserendipity.com/2019/01/16/2019-bright-and-new/ Wed, 16 Jan 2019 22:27:06 +0000 https://surrendertoserendipity.com/?p=300 Continue Reading →]]> Happy New Year! I am already 16 days into 2019 and I am making changes and getting things done. I worked on my list of to-dos for the whole month of December. I set my intentions for the year and have been working to make some a habit already.

Reality check-in; I feel myself resisting some of the things I want to get rolling this year. First, I want to do a blog post once a week. I’m a week behind, brush off and start fresh. Second, it is my intention to make stretching and cardio a priority 3-4X per week, behind but brush it off! I am almost finished with my stairway project that has been on my list for months (OK, 6 months). VERY good, big thing that has been hanging over my head.

Here is a list of some of the other things I set intentions/goals for in 2019:

  • Save $500/month and track
  • Make $100/month on my blog
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
  • Track my spending
  • Digitize my old photos/kids’ papers (many steps to this)
  • 3 alcohol free days/week
  • Complete blog courses by February
  • Get all my DIY projects on my blog
  • Play with affiliate marketing
  • Review (and write about) more items I use in my home, on my body, and take into my body
  • Read at least 12 books this year (I am going to keep a list this year)
  • Reduce my clutter until I don’t have any left

I don’t like procrastination and I do like accountability. I’m thinking for 2019 I should track my progress here on the blog. I could write a ton more stuff on all things I want to do, but in reality, I just need to start. Here goes for my first 2019 check-in!

Week 1 and 2: Four dry days, started stairway project, slept 7 hours 6 nights, cleared out some leggings, turtlenecks, jewelry, organized bedding, painted 3rd bedroom, got my investment accounts set-up, paid for some blogging courses, got electrical work done, paid off credit card, reorganized bathroom supplies, cleaned out the fridge, and created a last will/testament. I went to work everyday!
